On a beautiful cold, clear morning I went to OBNWR again. As usual there was a line of cars waiting for the gate to open at 7AM.
I hustled to the shoreline road and was surprised to see a new bald eagle nest. Well, it's new to me. I've walked by it several times but was unable to see it because of leaves. Now that most of the summer's leaves have dropped, the nest is easily visible. And it had two occupants.
Two Bald Eagles on Nest |
I'm guessing that the eagles are beginning to return to nests that have been vacant since the last group of fledglings departed. I had seen eagles in this vicinity several times on previous visits, and now that makes perfect sense. They were near their nest that I just couldn't see.
I wandered my usual route, not seeing much else noteworthy. Eventually I approached the nest I've seen before. It was back-lit, but I was able to get this shot of an eagle on the nest before it flew away.
Bald Eagle on Nest |
Disappointingly, I was unable to get any clear shots of any of the birds I saw today. As I was leaving, I got this shot of the remaining Fall leaves in brilliant sunlight.
Fall Colors at OBNWR |
And I spotted this hawk by the golf course.
Hawk (red shouldered? red-tailed?) |
I also spotted some buffleheads on the water, but they were too far away and back-lit to shoot.
So the value of this visit was mainly exercise and nest discovery because the photography didn't yield much. Still, I'm glad I went.
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