Saturday, April 18, 2015

Cherry Blossoms

The cherry blossoms were in bloom at the tidal basin last week. I wasn't able to take off from work to visit at dawn as I did last year, and I didn't bother trying on the weekend because of the crowds. I did make it Tuesday evening under a gloomy, overcast, drizzly sky. The weather drove most people away, and it was clearly past peak bloom with many petals on the soggy ground or in the water. In some places it was like getting rained on by petals as the wind and rain dislodged them from the trees. I shot anyway, and here are a few of them. Hopefully next year I can get there during better weather.
Cherry Blossoms and Jefferson Memorial

Cherry Blossoms

Tidal Basin

Cherry Blossoms and Washington Monuument

Cherry Blossoms and Jefferson Memorial

Cherry Blossoms in the Rain

Tidal Basin

Cherry Blossoms

Tidal Basin

Tidal Basin

It's Raining Cherry Blossom Petals

Tidal Basin

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