Saturday, March 25, 2017

OBNWR Menagerie

February was exceptionally warm in Northern Virginia; March has been cold with a snowstorm. I've made several mostly unproductive trips to the wildlife refuge, but I did manage to get a few keepers. The eagles have been elusive, with many sightings, mostly too far away or obstructed by trees. Here's a typical obstructed shot.
Bald Eagle Taking Flight
The woodpeckers are plentiful, but difficult to photograph because they too are usually obstructed for the brief periods when they're still.
Red Bellied Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker
 There are several spots where tidal swamp land drains into the bay. These areas dry out at low tide. I reached one of the drains and surprised myself and this deer.
Deer Staring At Me
The ospreys are returning, and they were actively fishing while I was there.
Osprey Strikes the Water

Osprey Gets a Big Fish

Osprey Stares At Me
It wasn't a complete eagle washout. This one probably thought I was harassing it because it kept landing in trees near the water, then would fly away as I approached, only to land near the water again and I would approach it again... Here's a shot where I was able to get very close before it spotted me and flew away.
Eagle Death Glare

Observing Me During a Flyover

Taking Flight

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