Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sometimes I Just Have No Luck

Sometimes I go out to shoot and get no keepers. Lately that's been rare. But on my last outing, the best I could get was this one...
Bald Eagle

The eagle above was in a tree with another eagle, probably its mate. They both took off and flew to a tree deeper in the woods, where they perched for a long time.
Pair of Bald Eagles
 It was a really cold morning, and a large portion of the shallow Occoquan Bay was frozen over. I spotted this eagle standing on the ice, and that might be another one to the far right. But they were too far away to get anything useful...
Bald Eagle on Ice
 Later I spotted this immature eagle, back-lit, so the best I could get was this silhouette.
Immature Bald Eagle
The eagle shown above took off and hunted for fish over the bay, but I couldn't get to the shore and my view of the hunting bird was obscured by shoreside trees.

 I walked farther and spotted another pair.
Bald Eagles
And that was it for the day. There were eagles in view for most of my walk, but they didn't cooperate. I took very few shots, and the only reason I even bothered with any of them was because I sometimes find keepers when I look at them later. Even though I didn't come away with anything useful, I had a good walk in the park.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Domestic Dispute

It's nesting season; eagles are easy to find. I went to OBNWR this morning. Almost immediately upon reaching the shore I saw two eagles perched in a tree. The view was obstructed, it was dark, I took no photographs. I walked farther. The duck hunters occasionally let a barrage of gunfire loose.

As I approached the second eagle nest, people approached from the opposite direction and they flushed two eagles. The sun was behind clouds, so it was dim and difficult to get shots of them until they settled on an osprey platform. They proceeded to have a very loud conversation, which I was happy to photograph.
Bald Eagles Arguing