Sunday, April 19, 2015


The warmth of Spring is finally settling in. I've shed the jackets and now my bird walks attire is thin long sleeves and long pants to keep sunburns and bugs away. The blooming trees are. The ospreys are actively building and occupying nests. The eagles are clearly guarding nests, with eaglets probably there by now.

This osprey flew by me at full speed and snapped a branch off of a tree, apparently never intending to actually land when it grabbed the branch.
Osprey With Stick for Nest
Here's an osprey that built a nest with its mate on top of a duck blind. It's a short distance from the shore and easy to view. That's the Occoquan marina in the background.
Osprey Leaves Nest
Unfortunately there wasn't much action at either eagle nest, no hunting. At the shoreline nest, one eagle perched on a dead tree limb and occasionally chased crows away. I had trouble getting clear shots through the trees so there are no in-flight chase shots.
Bald Eagle Hangs on in Wind


Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle on Perch
The warmer weather and sunny skies are definitely bringing people out too. It seems there's always a group out now, cleaning trash that washes up on shore, birding, banding, or just out for a walk in the park. I know when I see an army of people carrying spotting scopes on tripods that they will flush the birds deeper into the woods and it's time for me to go.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Cherry Blossoms

The cherry blossoms were in bloom at the tidal basin last week. I wasn't able to take off from work to visit at dawn as I did last year, and I didn't bother trying on the weekend because of the crowds. I did make it Tuesday evening under a gloomy, overcast, drizzly sky. The weather drove most people away, and it was clearly past peak bloom with many petals on the soggy ground or in the water. In some places it was like getting rained on by petals as the wind and rain dislodged them from the trees. I shot anyway, and here are a few of them. Hopefully next year I can get there during better weather.
Cherry Blossoms and Jefferson Memorial

Cherry Blossoms

Tidal Basin

Cherry Blossoms and Washington Monuument

Cherry Blossoms and Jefferson Memorial

Cherry Blossoms in the Rain

Tidal Basin

Cherry Blossoms

Tidal Basin

Tidal Basin

It's Raining Cherry Blossom Petals

Tidal Basin

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Ospreys Everywhere

Another nice morning, another walk in the refuge. A family of deer crossed the road in front of me on my way to the shore, but it was too dark for usable shots. I heard the typical osprey calls all morning. They were flying all over the place, but not really fishing. The wind was pretty stiff; maybe that had something to do with it.

I got a few glimpses of eagles, but nothing noteworthy. Both nests were occupied, each with a parent in the nest and a mate nearby.
Bald Eagle Deep in the Woods
Ospreys flew by me on several occasions, circling me, checking me out.
Osprey in Flight
 This one and its mate had a few sticks and I think they were planning to nest, but the tree looked like a poor choice.
Osprey Hanging on in Stiff Wind
And here's the result of one more encounter.
Osprey Stares at Me
The bird watchers were out in force, walking around with scopes on tripods. The team of bird banders gave up early because of too much wind.