Saturday, September 13, 2008

Solo 1

I'm calling this solo number 1 because this was my first time flying without the instructor present. He wasn't even at the airport. I never left the pattern, but that's fine - it was fun anyway.

I did 6 trips around the pattern, bounced it on 2 of the landings, and managed only one really nice nose high landing, with the other three so-so. The wind at ground level was 3-6 knots but variable, and mostly along the runway. But the wind was gusting a lot at pattern altitude and lifted a wing now and then, but I was able to handle it easily. I might have gone around a couple more times, but at the end of the hour, there were some low clouds lingering over the field and even though I stayed well clear, they were close enough to bother me.

Oh and by the way, even though it was just a pattern flight, it felt really good doing it all by myself.

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