Sunday, October 25, 2009

Solo 9

This was more check ride prep. I didn't want to go for the check ride without a relatively recent flight.

So on this beautiful Fall day, I went solo over to Easton. I frequently have trouble spotting the airport and this time was no exception. I wound up north of the field and then I had to work my way back to the field. I landed uneventfully and taxied back for takeoff.

After departing Easton, I went northeast to find Ridgley. I found myself southeast of Ridgley near Denton by the time I spotted Ridgley. I made a landing at Ridgley and taxied back for takeoff. Then I returned to Easton, landed, taxied back for takeoff, and returned to Fort Meade. My landing at Fort Meade was ugly (off center and poor crab-to-slip technique) because of a variable crosswind, so I taxied back and went around the pattern once again. This time I managed the wind correction better, but balooned and had to add power to smooth out and save the landing. As I was going back to take off again I watched another plane make some very scary recoveries from gusts, with severe wing rolls on short final, before the pilot went around.

I wanted to see the Eastern Shore area again and get more landings in today and I managed that. I fumbled the radio work at Easton the first time, but did much better the second time. And I have mixed feelings about the Ridgley approach - I got off course but recognized Denton and Ridgley. I hope this keeps me from showing up to the check ride rusty.

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