Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cessna 172 Checkout

Tried repeatedly to fly since passing my practical test, stuck on ground because of bad weather, including 2 big snowstorms. The club requires 2-month currency, so I had to go up with an instructor. I decided to use the opportunity to get a 172 checkout.

We went out to Deale, did slow flight, steep turns, stalls, unusual attitudes. Returned to KFME, did 4 landings, including the usual emergency, short field and soft field techniques.

The cabin is palacial in comparison with the 152. The engine has 160 horsepower and it climbs much better than I'm used to. I spent the whole flight chasing airspeed. And it just seemed heavier in every way, with more momentum and more muscle required on the controls. It didn't help that it was gusty and a little turbulent.

But now I'm cleared to fly the club's 152s and 172s.

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