Sunday, May 30, 2010

Did Not Go As Planned

I was hoping to fly KFME to KFDK to KMRB to KFME. When I checked the weather, even though it's a beautiful day, the forecast called for lots of haze and poor visibility west of KFME. I needed to get an hour of flying and 3 landings in to stay current, so I decided to instead go to KESN to KGED to KFME. Visibility on the way to the bay was hazy, but OK. But when I got near KESN, there was a scattered layer at 1100 and lots of haze. The tower told me that the weather was VFR, but it was tough even so. I was again glad for the GPS. I never lost sight of the ground, but I didn't pick the airport up until 3 miles away. I decided to land and cancel the rest of the trip. I landed, taxied back, and took off toward the bay. After reaching Kent Island, the conditions cleared up a lot and I was able to cross the bay at a comfortable altitude. I did 2 landings at KFME and called it a day.

I was really annoyed that traffic at KFME was using runway 10, even though the wind variably favored 28. The light tailwind, hot temperature, and high humidity made for an anemic climb rate.

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