Saturday, November 22, 2014


On this beautiful but cold morning I went back to the refuge, looking for eagles. I found two mature eagles in the trees near the nest by the water. They were partially obscured by branches, and as I walked along the shore to try to find a clear spot, they both flew away. This was the clearest shot I could get, with the one branch in the way.
Bald Eagle
This pair of eagles seems to have reclaimed the nest to get ready for the next breeding season. I walked along the shore and saw two eagles perched near the osprey nest. Again they flew away before I could get good shots of them.
Bald Eagle
As I walked along the shore, I spotted them (or maybe different ones) through the trees a couple of times, again obscured by branches, and again they flew away before I could get close. I also saw a juvenile flying over the woods but was unable to get the camera up in time to shoot it. However, I was able to get the camera up in time to capture this hawk who flew right over me.
The other eagle nest was occupied, and both of them flew away before I could get close. Finally this hawk let me walk right below it.
I kept waiting for it to fly away, but it seemed content to just stare at me.

So, a disappointing day for eagles. I saw two eagle nests, each with a pair of eagles nearby. I saw an osprey nest with a pair of eagles nearby. I saw an eagle on Conrad Island. I saw eagles in the trees along the shore. But all of them were out of range or obscured, leaving me without any in-flight shots.

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