Saturday, November 10, 2018

Occoquan River Rowing

My son's last race of the season was on a beautiful Fall day. I think I've finally gotten the hang of this:

  1. Get to a spot where the boat will pass close by.
  2. Select that spot to have the rowers front-lit, or at least not back-lit.
  3. Catch them as they go by to the starting line. They're warming up, and in a good mood as they BS with each other.
  4. During the race get a few shots as they approach, but that's not the main event.
  5. Fire away when they pass. You'll get their faces in the shot.
  6. Time the shots for the catch, when the paddle hits the water. Flying water and grimaces of effort make for great shots. Don't fill that buffer!
Warming Up

Fall Colors

Getting Closer

Close Pass

Pulling Hard

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