Sunday, March 15, 2015

Eagles and Ospreys

Again eager to use the new camera, I went out first thing this morning after a dreary day of rain yesterday. I had the place to myself. Initially it was pretty dull, with the exception of a pair of beavers swimming along the shore who made the slap/splash. Then there were some eagle passes, obstructed by trees. Then I saw a group of eagles approaching over the water and I was able to capture this one.
Immature Bald Eagle

Immature Bald Eagle
Then this one came along.
Bald Eagle
The flights were out over the water and the sun back-lit them, but I was able to bring some details out. There's an island visible from shore where I frequently see eagles and ospreys perched in the trees. There were several eagles in one tree, and while I watched one of them took off and hunted over the water. Then the other eagles attacked the hunter.
Eagle Drops Fish
This was at the far end of my lens' reach and the detail is poor, but I like the composition with the two birds and the falling fish. I was shooting just hoping to get something useful. I couldn't tell much about what was happening in the frame because it was just so far away. Aggressive zooming and cropping showed the falling fish, and the fight continued.
Fighting Eagles
Again, very far away. One eagle is upside down, talons up, and I can make out water drops in the air along with what I think is a fish in the air between the eagles and the branches of that dead tree. While this was going on, I kept hearing two eagles loudly screeching at one another near me. I couldn't see them, but I knew they had to be close. When the eagle fighting was over, I walked toward the sound, and there were two mature eagles in a tree, obscured by branches, and they both flew away before I could photograph them. Walking on, I spotted this osprey eating its breakfast.
Osprey with Bloody Fish
When the osprey flew away, it was because an eagle approached.
Bald Eagle
There were several more osprey overflights, and I think this shot is my favorite.
Osprey with Fish
This bird just flew around looking at me, with one talon grasping the fish and the other streamlined back below its tail, and that big yellow eye looking at me.

I like the new camera.

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