Wednesday, July 20, 2022

RAGBRAI Training #2 (2022)

RAGBRAI starts in a few days. It feels like I’ve been a training slacker because I spent two weeks in Alaska, then was really tired when I returned home, and then there was rain. I haven’t spent much time on my bike lately. I’ve used the indoor trainer some.

So far in 2022, I’ve ridden 1273 miles outdoors, with an additional 1952 virtual miles on Zwift. I’ve had two weekends of three days off during which I rode on the W&OD all three days, for roughly 180 miles each of those weekends. Hopefully I’m at least as well-prepared this year as I was last year at this time.

What’s different this year is the century day. I’ve never ridden 100 miles in a day. Next week, I’ll do it in the middle of a week of riding every day. I have a nutrition and hydration plan. I hope it’s a good plan.

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